Hi everyone! Today, I want to try something new. I’ve done book tags before, but I’ve never done a Top Ten Tuesday. For those of you who don’t know, Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish waaaay back in 2010, and then moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. Basically, every Tuesday is assigned a topic, and book bloggers get to create their own top ten list around that topic. Sounds fun, right? This week’s prompt is “Authors Who Have a Fun Social Media Presence”, so let’s do this!
Sabaa Tahir
You should all go follow Sabaa! Not only does she share hilarious anecdotes that happened to her, she also loves to tease us with the body count in her upcoming books.
(7:30 a.m. this morning)
8yo: mama i need to memorize a poem for school
Me: … by when
8yo: um by right now
Me: pic.twitter.com/k3If00VqWY— Sabaa Tahir (@sabaatahir) February 12, 2020
because it’s #worldkindnessday today, i will not murder this character who’s annoying me.
no promises for tomorrow though.
— Sabaa Tahir (@sabaatahir) November 13, 2019
Jay Kristoff
If you’ve read any of Jay’s books, you probably have a good idea of what you might expect from his social media presence. Sarcasm, NSFW words, and an overall metal AF vibe.
That movie is a straight-up horrorfest about an alien parasite who possesses & drains a young boy of his life force to sustain its own while waiting for its deadbeat mates to come pick its sorry arse up because it was too busy picking flowers to get on the fuckin ship bro https://t.co/0ZecZeKzFk
— Jay Kristoff (@misterkristoff) February 21, 2020
12noon: Hufflepuff sacrifice to appease hunger of the Elder Gods
12.01: Bar opens
12.02-onward: Drunken debate about which Lord of the Rings film is best (Two Towers fans are fed to the bronies)
11pm: Karaoke
???: Police arrive https://t.co/3cqLUCnEZM— Jay Kristoff (@misterkristoff) January 22, 2020
Victoria/V.E. Schwab
I love Victoria’s openness about her struggles with writing (and other stuff). If you think the life of a writer is always glamorous and fun, you might want to read her tweets.
Almost every book I’ve written, I’ve written 20 minutes at a time. Small bursts of focus, with space between. Sometimes in those bursts, I write, and sometimes I stare out windows, but the fact is, you can make big things over small moments.
— Victoria/V.E. Schwab (@veschwab) February 23, 2020
Wrote 2500 words before lunch, and for a brief moment, I forgot how scared I am of messing up, and how much I hate the imperfections of first drafts, and all the things that could be wrong, and I just…wrote.
— Victoria/V.E. Schwab (@veschwab) February 22, 2020
Elizabeth May
If you love cute kitties, sarcasm and creative insults about politicians, you have to check out Elizabeth’s Twitter feed! Especially the adventures of Bramble, a kitten that nobody else wanted to adopt because she was semi-feral, always bring a smile to my face.
BRAMBLE ROLL pic.twitter.com/p77HJ8KWk9
— Elizabeth May (@_ElizabethMay) February 26, 2020
1. sit
6. you’re going to have to summon a crossroads demon because this shit’s not working out
7. crossroads demon gave you 200 words!
8. all 200 words are tweets— Elizabeth May (@_ElizabethMay) February 20, 2020
Melinda Salisbury
What can I say? I just relate to Melinda’s tweets so much. Also, she often posts pictures and recipes of mouth-watering (vegan!) food!
I’ve been battling a sudden and furious cold all day, and now I’m at the point where I’d like Adam Driver to come over, place a cold flannel on my forehead, take my hand and tell me in his velvety baritone voice that it’s going to be OK. That I’m going to be OK.
— Melinda Salisbury (@MESalisbury) February 17, 2020
These are the hand pies I made for pudding last night. Apple, blueberry and raspberry. And of course, a drop of blood, because all good love spells use blood ? pic.twitter.com/AZFeZwX7Fw
— Melinda Salisbury (@MESalisbury) February 15, 2020
Emily A. Duncan
I’ve talked a lot about how I want to read Wicked Saints. The story sounds great, and the fact that the author is a metalhead like me just adds to my excitement. Futhermore, she works as a librarian, and apparently that job can be… wild…
i’m not going to rt the meme because it wasn’t bonkers enough to warrant anything but my favorite thing to ever happen at my day job was when someone called asking for putin’s phone number
— emily a. duncan, kylo ren’s #1 fan (@glitzandshadows) February 25, 2020
anyway. please. preorder my second book. what have i not told you of it. there are eyeballs where eyeballs do not belong. there are multiple make out scenes with questionable amounts of blood involved. https://t.co/CozBpdGnoI
— emily a. duncan, kylo ren’s #1 fan (@glitzandshadows) February 19, 2020
Kiersten White
Even wonder how writing a book happens? Kiersten provides a great look into the unexpected problems she encounters along the way. Oh, and occasionally, she brings out her Nicolas Cage sequin pillow!
Camelot Rising trilogy book three unexpected problem:
How many new ways can I think of to describe entering and or exiting a tent??
— Kiersten White News (@kierstenwhite) February 20, 2020
Me when I stop too long when first drafting and start thinking about what I’ve written so far pic.twitter.com/itt1hbrkXZ
— Kiersten White News (@kierstenwhite) February 25, 2020
Sam Sykes
Looking for someone who has mastered the shitpost, but also tweets about his puppy’s adventures, life as a writer, and politics? Sam Sykes is your man!
God: And to you, humanity, I grant reason.
Humanity: Wow.
God: And kindness.
Humanity: WOW.
God: and anxiety
Humanity: WO-what
God: yeah tons of it, just a fear of everything, all the time
Humanity: O…oh.
God: yeah have a good time
well I mean obviously not a GOOD time lol— Sam Sykes (@SamSykesSwears) February 27, 2020
Oh hello there pic.twitter.com/RdGXgSMQ3U
— Sam Sykes (@SamSykesSwears) February 25, 2020
Margaret Owen
I loved The Merciful Crow, and following its author definitely added some fun to my Twitter feed. Glimpses into her upcoming books, and other hijinks!
tonight, in the WIP:
love interest: this pocket mirror will transmit anything you trace on it. you can send covert messages if you’re in danger.
main character: *draws a butt*
MC: i’m testing it
LI, sincerely: …so let me know if you need help
MC: *adding a fart cloud*
— Margaret Owen, ECCC Cryptid (@what_eats_owls) February 25, 2020
my very large cat has decided since I’ve propped my laptop up on one of my legs, the other is free game, and he has now passed out on my thigh, and this is the story of how I will never be able to use my left leg again
— Margaret Owen, ECCC Cryptid (@what_eats_owls) February 24, 2020
Samantha Shannon
Samantha has dialed back her social media presence lately, due to workload (which means books to look forward to!). But she still posts interesting linguistic facts, which I also enjoy reading.
That’s why ’mankind’ is, technically, gender-neutral. It hearkens back to a time when ’mann’ was just the standard word for a human being.
At some point, however, ’wer’ was dropped from the masculine word. Its only regular use now is in the word ‘werewolf’ – man wolf.
— Samantha Shannon (@say_shannon) February 20, 2020
Me: I’m going to take a weekend day—@PM_Freestone: Oh, great!
Me: —where I’ll work on fun side projects!
P: Okay but that’s not resting
Me: But I’m resting because it will be Fun Side Projects! That I definitely want published! For Fun!
P: Samantha that’s not resting
— Samantha Shannon (@say_shannon) January 16, 2020
And that’s it for this Top Ten Tuesday! Which authors do you think have a fun social media presence? Let me know in the comments below!
I’m picking up new names of interesting authors. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/2020/03/ttt-031020.html
Sabaa sounds like an awesome person to follow for sure.
My TTT .
I’m laughing. Thanks.
Glad you enjoyed it! We could all use some laughs now, I think